Saturday, July 26, 2008

God's Truth & Satan's Lies

If you were able to make it to the URS fellowship on Jun 28th I hope that you were blessed and edified with the word of the Lord. The discussion topic was "Your True Source of Usefulness and Value... Self Esteem". I think our leaders did a wonderful job of sharing with us a glimpse of what the Word has to say concerning this subject. Also the discussion that followed really explored the topic and helped to cement some of the ideas expressed pertaining to self value and self esteem. We want to thank everyone that participated in the discussion to help us as a fellowship grow in Christ and I encourage you to keep the conversation going here on the blog with your comments!

We also ended with an activity where we asked everyone present to participate. We know as we grow stronger in our walk with Christ the enemy attacks become stronger as well. With this in mind URS initiated "God's Truth and Satan's Lies", in this activity spanning a month ( the time until our next fellowship) we passed out notecards, one side presenting God's truth and the other satan's lie pertaining to an attack the enemy may use. We asked that participants would carry these cards with them daily a refer to them at any point they felt and attack of the enemy or needed a spiritual pick-me-up. We provided 5 cards and a handout of more scripture references that can be made into additional cards as well. The plan is to check in at our next fellowship on July 26 to find out how the activity helped, if at all, during the time.

I look forward to your presence at Saint's cafe and pray you will continue to be edified by His word.

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